• The first half-hour of your first session is free. If you book more than 20 hours of sessions per month per student, a reduction of 2 euros/hour on the net rate is available.
  • In this period, lessons will be given at distance using Skype or FaceTime or Whatsapp.
  • In case of cancellation, please let us know the day before at the latest to allow us to reorganise our sessions. Failure to do so will result in the full rate of the session being charged.


Price in euros per person, per hour

Net rate
Individual 40
2 students 35
3 students 30

the net salary is paid directly to the P.H. DOM teacher at the last lesson of the month either by bank transfer or in cash. To pay by bank transfer you will require the following details: Philippe Hamel, RIB : 12548 94001 02015625040 86 IBAN: FR76 1254 8940 0102 0156 2504 086 BIC : AXABFRPPXXX. Please send an email or texto confirming payment to the email/mobile address that can be found in the “contact” section of this site.

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